Monday 18 February 2013

The length people go for animals

From dragging dolphins back out to shore to crawling across ice to save a dog. People go to great lengths to save animals.

Owners will do anything for their pets but why? I think that there is a strong link between owners and their pets especially dogs. I find that the saying 'A dog is man's best friend' is very true. Dogs are not just pets they are part of the family and are companions of life. The bond however goes both ways between owner and dog. This is shown firstly by the man in essex who crawled over ice covered river to resque his dog that had fallen in. This shows the blind loyalty that owners have that they will risk their own life for their dogs. On the other hand you have the loyal dog that refused to leave a soldiers side even after he died. This shows how strong the connection is between master and dog. It is a long lasting friendship that is often stronger than that between humans.

Wild Animals
People will help any animal in need not just their pets. I think often people are more willing to help animals than humas which I think comes from the idea that people have that animals cannot help themselves because it is humans that are making their life difficult. This is the case of animal conservation anyway. But then you also have those people who save animals in need such as in Brazil where a pod of dolphins got stranded on the beach and people dragged them back to sea.

I think that the main reason why people help animals because they feel it is their duty and because they sympathise for them.

Monday 11 February 2013

Autoethnography - Eating habits

General Eating
I wouldn't say I am a fussy eater however I am not an adventurous eater either.
When left to my own devices my meals are fairly basic, pasta with sauce and sometimes some vegetables and meat. This is very strange as my family mainly my mother and brother love trying new dishes and experimenting with different flavours. I think that my boring food habits come simply from the fact that I am to lazy to spend hours in the kitchen making these elaborate recipes.

Restaurant Foods
When It comes to eating out I will always stick with things I know. I think that has to do with generally not liking to be out of my comfort zone in general. I am not a person very keen on change. This again is strange as my family has always moved around and I have always gone to international schools where being out of your comfort zone is the norm.

Trying new foods
My friends at school would always have all sorts of different foods for lunch as we all came from completely different parts of the world and so many of them would always swap around and try new things but I like to stick to the food I know I like. However if someone offers me some I will always try a bit. This however has nothing to do with trying new foods but more as to be polite. For instance when going to someones house even if I do not like the food or am full I will always try and finish the plate as  I was always told that is the polite and proper way to act.

Going abroad
When going abroad my eating habits change slightly in that I am more willing to try new things and get to know the culture. For instance when we went to South Africa I tried things like crocodile or when I went to Sri Lanka I tried eating with my hands(not a very easy task especially when the main food is rice) I think this change in eating habit can be again linked back to my parents teachings of being polite and using proper etiquette. When entering another culture I find that you have to adapt to them rather than them adapting to you and so if everyone eats with their hands that is what you should be doing.

I would say that my eating habits largely come from my family life which included a lot of change, which I for the most part have no power over and so I try when possible to keep certain things that I can control the same such as my heating. However when there is a change in place such as a restaurant, country or house I try and fit in ,as that is what I was taught to be the correct way, whilst still keeping to my comfort zone. Thus comes a balance between comfort and not wanting to stick out.